Monday, January 24, 2011


My first bad ebay delivery!!! I have wanted winter frolic cart forever!!! I finally won it at a price I would pay.. supposed to arrive last thursday or Friday according to tracking. (Okay ,,,suspicious when it did not arrive cause they are usually dead on!).. Today I get an envelope from the post office that says my package was damaged in shipment.. Okay in the envelope was a torn plastic mailing envelope with nothing.. That's damaged???? Several phone calls to my post office ( I will add very helpful kind people) who could only tell me it arrived to my local post office in the envelope that said it was damaged. My problem.. my bay seller probably got a confirmation on the delivery of that dang empty envelope!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!! I would try to report it to Ebay and if nothing happens then dont hesitate to leave bad reviews..Most "honest" people that sell on Ebay will not want bad reviews so they will attempt to fix the problem. Sorry it happened to you. :(
