Here is the 2nd page of my 2-page xmas layout I made last Wednesday and Thursday.
Today was run, run, run and I see no light at the end of the tunnel for the rest of the week. Haven't done any paper crafting since Thursday. I did manage to finally get all of the storyboards printed from Christmas after running out of ink on Saturday and hitting 2 different targets for the color ink. Why oh why does staples only sell this ink in sets of black and color together when I only NEED the color...
In between everything else I had a viewing today for my cousins 26 year old daughter and one tomorrow for my good friends father-in-law. Part of me thinks all these recent losses are my age but then my kids commented on how MANY we have had and they are young so maybe not just my age after all.
On a good note yesterday was my play day with my 90 year old mom at the local theatre. We saw Noises Off. Gots to tell you I never heard of it, but it was very funny. 1st and 2nd act funnier than the 3rd to me... After we picked up my kids and we all went out for dinner together. That was nice. I am soooo grateful both my kiddies have jobs but we are all running now and rarely eat together as my daughter works night shift at the hospital and my son works sales support for the west coast at his job so works 12:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST. It actually makes his long commute much easier with this odd schedule and as a youngin he loves to sleep in later. (Means I usually only see him on Saturday or Sunday even though we live in the same house. LOL)